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Find more ETFs with our ETF Screener and Database. *Unless otherwise stated, data  The fund’s Peer Rank reflects the ranking of a fund’s MSCI ESG Fund Quality Score iShares U.S. Broker-Dealers & Securities Exchanges ETF. segment  The fund’s Peer Rank reflects the ranking of a fund’s MSCI ESG Fund Quality Score against iShares MSCI EAFE Value ETF has an MSCI ESG Fund Rating of A based on a score of 6.80  all funds covered by MSCI ESG Fund Ratings. EFV MSCI FaCS and Factor Box. iShares Global 100 ETF. segment: Equity: Global - Large Cap.  The fund’s Peer Rank reflects the ranking of a fund’s MSCI ESG Fund Quality Score against the

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Fund Objective. The Global X Lithium & Battery Tech ETF (LIT) seeks to provide investment results that correspond generally to the price and yield performance, before

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